Sina Amedson

Sina Amedson

You may recognize Sina Amedson as The Saudi Prince in Comedy Central’s hit series, Roast Battle but many don’t realize that his career spans over a decade in film and television. He’s one of the stars and writers of the Sundance Audience Award Winner, Circumstance, which also garnered him an Independent Spirit Award Nomination, Sina has been winning over critics and audiences for the last decade. Recently winning “Best of The Fest” at the San Luis Obisbo Comedy Festival, Sina was also a finalist in
the Rocky Mountain Laugh Off and featured in the San Diego Comedy Festival, Burbank Comedy Festival and the Middle Eastern Comedy Festival. You’ve seen him in memorable roles in TNT’s Southland and ABC’s FlashForward. Sina has also had the
good fortune of being selected as part of the Jim Henson Company’s Diversity Puppeteer Program where he was taught puppeteering by Kevin Clash (Elmo) and Brian Henson as well as many other legendary puppeteers. His stand up comedy has
gone viral on Hulu with specials on Comedy Brew and Man Up Stand Up… But let’s be honest, he’ll forever be known as the sexy guy from the No Crypto Utah Ads. An alumnus of the prestigious Groundlings program, Sina Amedson has come a long way
from his humble beginnings performing in dive bars in small towns across the country to playing sold out theatres in some of the largest cities in the world. Don’t miss your chance to catch Sina’s unique style of comedy and storytelling which is firmly
establishing him as one of the future voices of comedy!
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